This blog has moved
Blogging on this topic has moved to The Cyc Foundation blog.
This is what's on the mind of someone who is trying to get everything off of his mind and into a more reliable medium.
At the AAAI conference in Boston, Peter Norvig of Google raised a concern about the Semantic Web to Tim Berners-Lee. The concern has primarily to do with ease of use.
A lot has been happening at the Cyc Foundation, even though nothing has been happening with this blog. Some folks have expressed confusion over where to go for Cyc Foundation information. People who want to get their hands dirty and participate can just email me (johnd at Tell me a little about yourself and why your interested, and we'll add you to the mailing list and get you access to the wiki.
We had 10 programmers from around the country on a Skypecast (conference call) for 90 minutes last night discussing creating web services for Cyc. We've got some issues to work out with microphones and with getting on the call in the first place. Still, it was a worthwhile call.
Sorry for the gap in posts. I will try to get more consistent.
"But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.". . . has over 3 trillion possible meanings.
We've had 1.5 handfuls of folks contact us from around the U.S. interested in helping with the Cyc Foundation. We're grateful for whatever help we can get. Broader support will probably start showing up once the first game is out there on the Web and once Wikipedia linking is underway. Of course, it would help to have help to get those things moving. So, we're dealing with a chicken and the egg kind of a thing. And not even Cyc knows which came first.
I've often heard that complaint when I describe that Cyc uses deduction to do reasoning. That's not how people think. First of all, I don't want to claim that Cyc "thinks" at all, but sometimes its expedient to use expressions like that.
I said I'd go into more detail about each of the activities in the Cyc Foundation's Cyclify initiative. The purpose that cuts across all activities is to grow the Cyc Knowledge Base. Initially, the focus is on what we call breadth or coverage. We want everything one could think of to have a concept term or a way of forming one from functional terms. A concept term is something like #$CreditCard. A term built functionally is something like (#$BorderBetweenFn #$France #$Germany). The '#$' is something used internally by Cyc to distinguish Cyc terms from other kinds of symbols. If you're not doing programming, you don't have to use it. But sometimes it helps as a way of knowing that you're talking about #$France the Cyc term as opposed to "France" the string or France the country.
Cyclify, the grass-roots initiative of the Cyc Foundation, is composed of the following projects:
New Scientist just published a new article about Cyc in which they say, "Cycorp has also just launched a trivia game for the public that will help fill in gaps in Cyc's knowledge."
While I was in college in the mid-Eighties, there was a buzz in the air about Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika. Those were times filled with anticipation of changing relationships, although few truly knew how much change was coming.
Bill Jarrold of SRI sent me some comments about my presentation on the 13th (see below), and I'd like to respond. He said the presentation was pretty good, but noted:
Some people will differ with your characterization that OWL contains no semantics. People are working on adding rules to OWL and OWL-Full is quite descriptive. OWL-DL is much weaker, but is computationally pretty good (description logics run in polynomial time). But, in spirit, you are right. From what little I know, Tim Berners Lee seems to urge everyone to keep moving, that through common use we will eventually arise at some sort of folksonomy like effect.Okay, I want to clarify what I meant when I was talking about Semantic Web standards.
I'm about to post a response to a comment I received about Thursday night's presentation, but first I want to define some terms. (The fact that I have to try to establish this common ground vocabulary in order to discuss these issues ironically argues my point for me, as I hope you'll see in the next post.) I invite corrections to my naive definitions, as long as the corrections can be stated in something close to English.
Here's an announcement we posted today on the OpenCyc site.
A new independent non-profit organization was announced Thursday night at the monthly meeting of Cyclify-Austin, the Cyc User's group. The Cyc Foundation is now forming to manage the OpenCyc ontology and to grow the ontology and knowledge base exponentially with the help of volunteers from all walks of life.
Foundation president, John De Oliveira, compared the Foundation's "Cyclify" effort to the Wikipedia project. He said, "The Wikimedia Foundation asks us to 'Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.' In the Cyclify project, led by The Cyc Foundation, we ask you to imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to programs that reason with the sum of all human knowledge."
This is a test. This is my first blog entry, so I'm just testing how this works. The site for my primary project is here.