Monday, April 17, 2006

What will we be doing?

Cyclify, the grass-roots initiative of the Cyc Foundation, is composed of the following projects:
  • Games for growing the knowledge base
  • Wikipedia knowledge collection
  • Pairing subject-matter experts (SMEs, pronounced "smees") with ontologists
  • Alignment with other sources (for example, WordNet)
I'll make a separate post for each of these, in order to go into more detail. Something that applies to all of them is the fact that they depend on the help of people who are not experts in artificial intelligence. We still need the experts, but they'll be working side-by-side with people who are life-smart. Experts in other fields, experts at being human (or at least much better at it than computers), and people who can help with coordinating, supporting and motivating everyone's play.

Outside of Cyclify, the Cyc Foundation will be working on issues related to standards, ResearchCyc coordination and other things.

We'll be using the Basecamp program, which was developed with Ruby on Rails. We'll be setting up accounts for people who join the Cyc Foundation. You can request membership by sending an email with your background and interests to


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